Issue # 3
Saturday February 19, 1994
Today's Topics:
File 1: Welcome to Third Issue
File 2: Letters to Editor
File 3: Introduction to Deaf Magazine's Gopher Site (corrected version)
File 4: Introduction to Deaf Magazine's FTP Site (corrected version)
File 5: Computers and TDDS
File 6: 4th International Conference on Computers and Handicapped
File 7: Computing Careers for Deaf People
File 8: Captioned Radio
File 9: Proposal for Israeli TDD Telecommunication Standard (V.2)
File 10: Common Senses
File 11: Deaf Cover Advertisement
File 12: New Advertisement Policy
To subscribe to the Deaf Magazine mailing list or have your
thoughts in the next issue, please send electronic mail to
Nathan Prugh at any of the following addresses:
To Subscribe: mail to, leave subject blank,
in body, type sub deaf firstname lastname
To Give Us articles: mail to
To reach me: mail to or page me at beeper 602-590-6117
Please tell your friends to Subscribe to the List!!!!!!
Nathan Prugh (Moderator)
(602) 590-6117 (Beeper)
File 1:
From: Deaf-Admin@Clark.Net
Date: Feb 20th 1994
Subject: Welcome to 3rd Issue!
Welcome to 3rd Issue! I would like to thank Tim Stark (TStark@Clark.Net)
and Jamie Clark, Owner of the System ( for getting me set
up for the Deaf Magazine and ftp site. Big thanks to Professor Norm
Coombs ( for the Gopher Site. This will be a
Digist, So, I will be sending it often as the mail comes in and enough
amount of mail for it. Please send messages or Deaf Related Articles to
me at Any Questions for the Editor only can be mailed
to Deaf-Admin@Clark.Net.
If you people missed first and second issues it can be obtained by ftp follow
Instructions in file 4 or Gopher by following Instructions in file 3
Nathan Prugh
Deaf Magazine Editor
File 2:
From: Deaf-Admin@Clark.Net
Date: Feb 20 1994
Subject: Letters to Editor
Dear Deaf Magazine Editor
I give two THUMBS UP to Magazine Deaf and Congratulations on your
successful efforts on your own mailist list internet gateway.
Don't give up and keep continuing to work!.
And also, thank you for adding a new ASL echo mailing list's announcement
and it looks very neat! I appreciate it much. ;-)
Best regards,
-=Raphael Joa
+-------------------------------------------------- I~I ----------+
| __ I~I _ _ /~) |
| VIVO aka Raphael Joa - New York NY City \ \ I_I/I-II-I/~/' |
| Fidonet Node: 1:2603.105 \~~\' `-'`-'~I |
| InterNets:, \_ ) ~\_ /~~ ) |
|, \_ Y )' |
| \ ^ / |
+---------------------------------------------------- |~ | ~| ----+
\ _ /
Editor: Thanks for your Comments :-)
File 3:
From: Nathan Prugh <>
Date: Feb 6th 1994
Subject: Intro to Deaf Magazine's Gopher site (Corrected Version)
Special thanks to Professor Norm Coombs ( :-)
[Editor Note: I had the wrong spelling of the address..]
Instructions (Follow carefully)
1. Gopher to
2. Pick: Disability and Rehabilitation Resources
3. Pick: EASI (Equal Access to Software & Information Main Menu)
4. Pick: EASI's list of Internet available Etexts and Ejournals
5. Pick: Deaf Magazine Ejournal
Simple!! :-)
File 4:
From: Nathan Prugh <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 1994 18:46:03
Subject: Intro to Deaf Magazine's FTP site
[Editor Note: The Ftp Site had changed the way to
the directory...]
cd to deaf.magazine
Anonymous Ftping Is supported!
File 5:
From: "Damrow, Margaret" <>
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 94 07:40:36 CST
Subject: COMPUTER --> TTY ???
[Editor Note: I cant answer this but if anyone outthere can answe this,
Please send replies directly to the sender and a copy to]
[This is Reprint of the Orginal Message from Issue 3 with replies to It...]
Several Deaf Students been asking me about wanting to use thier IBM
computer as a TTY. They are using a PROCOMM PLUS communication package
and would like to talk to a TTY user. They heard the modem dialing and
getting some response but nothing is showing up on the screen. I am
not all that familiar with PROCOMM PLUS but I have a feeling that the
configuration is not set up properly to talk to a TTY.
Do you have any ideas to help me out?
Thanks a million in advance.
Margaret :-)
Margaret M. Damrow |
Educational Assistant II | E-Mail: DAMROW@MUSIC.LIB.MATC.EDU
Milwaukee Area Technical College |
[Editor Note: Below is replies to the Message above..]
Sender: Alice Few <>
Subject: computers and TDDs
I saw your message in "Deaf Magazine's" second issue and have some
information that might help you. I recently started studying ASL and one
of my classmates works in the ADA office here at the University of
Washington. Knowing my interest in computers, she brought me a special
TDD/TTY modem and software program to test out for her. It is produced
by Microflip Inc and it works like a charm! However, I thought it was
some what redundant to have two modems in my computer and was determined
to make my standard modem work.
Eventually, I found some interesting shareware/freeware for TDD emulation
at the following ftp site:
/pub/hearing (this directory also has a TrueType Manual alphabet
font for Windows! Download
I downloaded 3 zip files,,, and and have
used the first two successfully! They allow me to send and receive TDD
calls manually and are very simple applications. HOWEVER, there are some
things to watch out for. If you system has an abundance of pre-existing
and or unusual hardware interupts, you may have a hard time getting it to
If you are looking for a full service TDD/computer modem, one that will
answer calls when you are away, take messages etc. the only thing I have
found so far has been the Microflip system, and it is a great system.
Their address is Microflip Inc. 11213 Petsworth Lane, Glen Dale, Maryland
20769. Our ADA office bought the package from the Hearing, Speech and
Deafness Center in Seattle Wa. (206)323-5770 (v/TDD).
Good luck in your quest and please let me know what others share with
you. I am new to the internet and have just begun to scratch its
surface, somewhere out there is the perfect application, I hope we can
find it!
| |
|||| /
Alice Few
ScorePak Program Coordinator 453 Schmitz Hall
Office of Educational Assessment 543-1170
University of Washington, PB-30
Seattle, Washington 98195 fax (206)543-3961
Sender: Valerie Turner Telecommunications Ext 1828
Subject: Computer & TTY
For what it's worth....I have a DOS computer that has a TTY board in it
that allows me to do regular PC work and toggle to the TTY feature when
a call comes in. I can also set the TTY to answer calls when I'm not
available. So my PC has two lives, as a PC and as a TTY. Also, the IBM
board can be for speech impaired as well.
I purchased it from: IBM Special Needs Info Referral Center Voice: 800
426-2133 TTY: 800 284-9482
Hope that helps.
Valerie Turner Northern Michigan Unviersity, Marquette, MI 49855 Voice:
906 227-1828 TTY: 906 227-1210
Sender: Alice Few <>
Subject: more computer/TTY
I found more information on Margaret's question about TTys and
computers. If you logon to America on Line, you can download a file
called from the disABILITIES forum. It is a demo application
and works the same way Microflip does. Ordering info is included in the
I would be interested to know what others find out....
Alice Few
ScorePak Program Coordinator 453 Schmitz Hall
Office of Educational Assessment 543-1170
University of Washington, PB-30
Seattle, Washington 98195 fax (206)543-3961
File 6:
Sender: Prof Norm Coombs <>
Subject: 4th International Conference on Computers and Handicapped
From: IN%"" 9-FEB-1994 15:10:49.24
Dear colleague,
Please find enclosed the Call for Papers for the 4th International
Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons (ICCHP).
Would you please help us spread this information to other
prospective speakers, exhibitors or participants in your country or circle of
This might be done by e-mail, regular mail or other forms of publication. If you
would LIKE copies of the printed version of the "Call for Papers" for
distribution, please let me know how many you would need.
If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you in advance for your help
Best regards
Wolfgang L. Zagler
Chairman of the Program Committee
Vienna University of Technology
Institut f. Allgemeine Elektrotechnik und Elektronik
Gusshausstrasse 27/359/B
A-1040 VIENNA / Austria
Tel: +43 (1) 504-1830 / 11
Fax: +43 (1) 504-1830 / 12
4th International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons - ICCHP
Austrian Computer Society and
Institut f. Allg. Elektrotechnik u. Elektronik - Vienna Univ. of Technology
IFIP TC 9/WG 9.2, CEPIS, British Computer Society (BCS), Gesellschaft fuer
Informatik (GI), Schweizer Informatiker Gesellschaft (SI) and TermNet
DATE: 14 - 16 September 1994
PLACE: Vienna, Austria
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Conferences on Computers for Handicapped Persons, held in
Vienna in 1989 and 1992 and in Zurich 1990, were dedicated to the presentation
and discussion of the state of the art of computers and their applications for
handicapped persons. The aim of this 4th ICCHP is to update the information
about R&D; in the area of computer and microelectronic applications and to offer
prognoses for future trends.
The main contributions will be descriptions of new micro-electronic systems for
disabled persons, together with reports on ongoing research programs and
practical applications. Experts in this field of research from many countries
will present their findings and participate in the discussions.
TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE (but are not restricted to):
-State of the art of computer use for handicapped and elderly persons
-Technical support in primary and higher education
-Outlook for computer applications in rehabilitation and integration
-Hardware and software for handicapped and elderly persons
-Microelectronic aids in rehabilitation
-Preparation, input and presentation of data, text and graphics
-Telecommunications and telenetworks for handicapped and elderly persons
-Impact of computer technology on the vocational situation of handicapped
-Supporting families with handicapped and/or elderly family members
W.L. Zagler, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (chair)
G. Busby, GEC Computer Services, UK (co-chair)
R. Wagner, University of Linz, Austria (co-chair)
A. Arato, Central Research Institute for Physics, Hungary
P.L. Blenkhorn, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
F. Destombes, IBM France, Paris, France
J. Ekberg, National Agency for Welfare and Health, Finland
P.L. Emiliani, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
H. Funakubo, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
Ch. Galinski, Infoterm, Vienna, Austria
R. Gunzenhaeuser, University of Stuttgart, Germany
J. Halousek, Techn. University of Prague, Czech Republic
K.M. Helle, Work Research Institute, Norway
V. Henn, Universitaetsklinik Zurich, Switzerland
J. Klaus, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
J.-I. Lindstrom, Telia AB, Sundbyberg, Sweden
M. Martin, The Mike Martin Consultancy, United Kingdom
J. Muehlbacher, University of Linz, Austria
H.J. Murphy, California State University Northridge, USA
A. Schneider, Swiss Fed. of the Blind & Visually Impaired, CH
M. Soede, Inst. for Rehabilitation Research, The Netherlands
A. Spaepen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
H. Thoma, Inst. f. Biomedical Tech. - AKH, Vienna, Austria
A Min Tjoa, University of Vienna, Austria
T. Vaspori, Central Research Institute for Physics, Hungary
W. Grafendorfer (chair), W. Kremser, F. P. Seiler, I. Sudra
c/o Austrian Computer Society
Wollzeile 1-3/ A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 (1) 512-0235
Fax: +43 (1) 512-0235 / 9
A number of introductory seminars covering the conference topics is planned for
Tuesday, 13 September. Details will follow after we have received your
A product and project exhibition will be held on 13 -16 September. For further
information and prices, contact the chairman of the organizing committee.
Please indicate your interest in participating or in submitting a
paper/poster/introductory seminar by returning the completed preregistration
form as soon as possible to the Austrian Computer Society.
W. L. Zagler
Institut f. Allg. Elektrotechnik u. Elektronik, TU Wien
Gusshausstr. 27/359/B,
A-1040 Vienna / Austria
Phone: +43 (1) 504-1830 / 11
Fax: +43 (1) 504-1830 / 12
Paper/Poster Preregistration: 4 March 1994
Draft version of papers: 15 April 1994
Notification of acceptance: 30 May 1994
Camera-ready copy: 24 June 1994
Details will follow after we have received your preregistration.
Fee (before 1 August 1994) after 1 August 1994
Members of OCG,GI,NJSZT,SI and
institutional members of OCG (AS 3.300,--) AS 3.800,--
Non-members (AS 4.000,--) AS 4.500,--
Student fee (AS 1.000,--) AS 1.200,--
Special rates for speakers on request.
Price does not include introductory seminars.
------------------------------ cut here ----------------------------------
(Please complete and send back per regular mail, e-mail or fax to
the Austrian Computer Society, Wollzeile 1-3, A-1010 Vienna, Austria.
Phone: +43 (1) 512-0235
Fax: +43 (1) 512-0235 / 9
I am interested in the conference as:
Please indicate by inserting (x)
( ) Participant
( ) Speaker (please reply as soon as possible)
( ) Congress ( ) Tutorials ( ) Workshops
Preliminary title:
( ) Exhibitor:
( ) commercial ( ) scientific ( ) poster
Family Name:
First Name(s):
Acad. Title:
( ) male ( ) female
Postal Code:
Sincerely yours / Mit freundlichen Gruessen
W. L. Zagler
* Dr. Wolfgang L. ZAGLER *
* Institute for Electronics - Rehabilitation Engineering Group *
* Gusshausstrasse 27/359/1B, A-1040 VIENNA / AUSTRIA *
* Telephone: int. +43 (1) 504-1830/11 *
* Fax: int. +43 (1) 504-1830/12 *
File 7:
From: "Samuel E. Jones" <sam@explorer>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 08:04:30 -0500 (EST)
Subject: 2nd confrence?
Computer Careers for Deaf People
2nd Conference?
The National Conference on COMPUTING CAREERS FOR DEAF
PEOPLE was held at the Twin Bridges Marriott Motor Hotel,
Arlington, Virginia during April 28-29, 1975. It was sponsored
by The Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest
Group Computers and the Physically Handicapped with financial
support from: Burroughs Corporation, Eastman Kodak Company
International Business Machines Corporation.
Dr. Steven Jamison, the former conference chairman and the
editor conducted all sessions. There were a total of 183 persons
including myself attending the sessions. We enjoyed listening
and had a good opportunity to discuss about deaf workers in their
careers. We had the volume which ACM published and which covered
all lectures. We thanked Dr. Steven Jamison for his big job on
this event, getting the lectures, and compiling the volume.
Since 1975, we notice there is a big change in computer
technology. We wonder if we might have to use our voices with the
keyboardless personal computer. The IBM card punch machine is
gone forever. We need some feedback among us. We need to discuss
things such as a big change in computing sign language, training,
communication, et al. We have not had a conference in almost 20
We hope to have the conference which can be held at the
new building which will be completed by January 1995 on the
campus of Gallaudet University. We can stay there for nights,
too. I checked last week with Mrs. Patti Singleton, the director
of Continuing Education Program who can make the schedule. We
need to have a clear goal for the conference. It will be for all
hard of hearing, oral, deaf-blind and deaf computer specialists
in the world. I will post this letter on the deaf-l news group
via the Internet network and TFA. We will hear from them for any
suggestion and plan this project soon. You can reach me by e-mail
We hope we get a chairman for this project and the new
building provides us very well for LED projectors, TV set, aides,
and etc. We will look for some companies for sponsors and
contact with Association for Computing Machinery for the project
soon. The national conference can give you benefits in your
career and help companies with productivity.
Submitted by Samuel E. Jones, Deaf System Analyst
(February 4, 1994)
Subject: Captioned Radio.
I ask myself... why the we don't like the FM radio? 'cause don't hear
the music, weather news or national news, etc on the radio, I thought
we didn't interest so much in using the FM radio. How about the captions?
will the radio stations be able to broadcast a signal thru the special
decoder? I believe it will work. Nobody else thought the ADA law says
the public radio stations to handle the captions for the deaf community
in according to the technology requirements if I were wrong.
I suggest any telecaption units may be functioned by using the C2 switcher
for the texting screen which its a great idea to get the captioned radio
or do we throw the C2 switcher away in the trash?
We exchanged the messages in the America OnLine and I would share it
with you all.
---- clip copy --- clip copy --- clip copy --- clip copy --- clip copy ----
Subj: Captioned radio
Date: 94-02-11 20:19:47 est
From: AFC
Alex, I have a suggestion for a way this could be done. Many FM radio staions
broadcast a second signal on a special frequency close to their regular
frequency. You can't receive it with a normal FM radio, but special radios
can tune in this "subcarrier" signal.
This system was originally designed to be used for commercial services like
Muzak (that stupid boring music they play in stores and malls). The store
would rent a special receiver from the music provider, and have music with no
commercials or interrruptions. Later, the subcarrier signals were used for
transmitting stock market quotes (again, a special commercial service). But I
have also heard that a few stations used this technology to transmit "talking
books" for blind people, and even more recently to transmit public-domain
computer programs.
You see my point. There is no reason that an FM station which is equipped to
tramsmit this subcarrier signal could not use it to send TTY tones. Bingo!
Captioned radio. Of course you would need a special radio to receive this,
just as you used to need a special decoder to receive captions on TV. Your
TTY would plug into the radio's output...or you could use a device like TTY
Vision, that puts TTY conversations on your TV screen.
Maybe you could convince a local station to try this experimentally. Good
--Andy Baird, Mac Graphics, Multimedia & CAD Forum Consultant in AOL.
---- clip copy --- clip copy --- clip copy --- clip copy --- clip copy ---- wrote to AFC
Thank you for inputing a value info. I would love to support your great idea
and I add my idea and comments about...
Our old telecaption II, III and IV decoders still contain a dual switchers
C1 for Closed Captioning and C2 for the text masking should receive the
real time air frequents (thru the FM radios) from the local stations.
. what do you think?.. is that bad idea?...
. probably that new technology transmittal would be a special assistive
readable for the deaf FM radio users. Would you help us to talk with the
engineers will be able to make it?
---- clip copy --- clip copy --- clip copy --- clip copy --- clip copy ----
AFC wrote to
VIVO, I don't know much more than what I already told you in my message.
Radio engineers call this subcarrier system "SCA" (for SubCarrier Authority).
So if you were to talk to the operating engineer of a radio station, you
would tell him that you wanted to "broadcast TTY audio frequencies (around 1
kilohertz) over SCA"...and he would know what you meant.
The SCA receivers already exist, though I myself have never had one. I don't
know what the receivers cost, but I know that they are already being made.
(In fact, I remember that Popular Electronics magazine published an article
on how to build one, many years ago!) They are used by some stores for
"background music," as I said in my message. All you'd have to do is buy one
and acoustically couple it to a TTY. For example, plug a pair of headphones
into an SCA receiver. Then strap one headphone earpiece over your TTY's
microphone cup. Very simple, and there's no reason why it shouldn't work.
That's the nice part about this idea: all the necessary pieces already exist.
No new inventions are required. What needs to be done is for some deaf
organization to convince the FCC and a radio station to make a test. As I
mentioned, SCA was used for blind people back in the1970s. So it should not
be hard to persuade the FCC to try it for deafies too! :)
In short, you don't really need technical help--all the technical stuff is
already taken care of. You need to organize deaf people, and then talk to
radio station engineers and the FCC about this. I hope that it can be a big
success! :)
+-------------------------------------------------- I~I ----------+
| __ I~I _ _ /~) |
| VIVO aka Raphael Joa - NY NY City \ \ I_I/I-II-I/~/' |
| Fidonet Node: 1:2603.105 \~~\' `-'`-'~I |
| InterNets:, \_ ) ~\_ /~~ ) |
|, \_ Y )' |
| \ ^ / |
+---------------------------------------------------- |~ | ~| ----+
File 10:
From: Omer Zak <>
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 94 13:05:05
Subject: Re: Proposal for Israeli TDD Telecommunications Standard (v.2)
(Reprint of last issue message with update adter this...)
By: Omer Zak, EE Translated: Omer Zak Style editor: Susan Bullowa
Date: Dec. 12, 1985 Tr. date: June 4, 1987
* COPYRIGHT, 1987 by Omer Zak and Susan Bullowa. *
* Permission is hereby given to freely reproduce this document for any *
* non-commercial purpose provided that the source is acknowledged and *
* the copyright notice is retained. *
* *
* This document is a translation of the Hebrew-language Israeli TDD *
* Standard. In case of contradiction between the Hebrew and English *
* versions, the Hebrew version is the binding one. *
This proposal for standard for TDD telecommunication is an improved and
extended version of the proposal which was published at Nov. 11, 1984 and
which has undergone minor changes at Oct. 6, 1985. The present version
incorporates changes, the need for which arose as result from comments by
people who received for criticism the original proposal, and also from
practical experience which accumulated during the time which passed since
the publication of the original proposal.
This proposal for TDD telecommunication standard is not final. Anyone who
has comments or suggestions for improving the standard - is asked to bring
them to Omer Zak's knowledge.
The goals of the standard for Israeli TDD telecommunication are as follows:
a) Ensure that any 2 systems, which each meet the standard requirements,
will be able to "talk" with each other without requiring any checking,
tuning or additional experimentation other than checking for compliance with
all the standard requirements.
b) Choose a telecommunication method which is relatively tolerant to phone
line noise.
c) Be as compatible as possible with data telecommunications equipment in
wide usage in Israel, and do so by adopting the most often used telecommu-
nication standards in Israel.
The standard for Israeli TDD telecommunication applies to all types of TDDs,
regardless of whether they are based upon computers or terminals, or whether
they are dedicated to TDD usage.
The standard relates to and only to those technical details which are
relevant to telecommunication between two systems. The standard does not
specify any requirement which relates to convenience of usage, and therefore
it, by itself, is not a full technical specification.
Those requirements are determined separately from the standard and are
subject to periodic update, as experience in operating TDDs is accumulated.
To ensure compatibility between corresponding options of different systems
which incorporate those options, the standard includes also specifications
which those options must meet. It does not mean that those options must
or must not exist in a particular TDD system, but only that if a certain
option does exist, it must comply with the requirements of the relevant
clause of the standard.
4.1. MODEM
The modem shall be asynchronous, fullduplex, be able to operate at 300
baud, and provide for choice between ORIGINATE and ANSWER modes. The
modem shall be compatible with Bell 103J standard.
The signal power on the phone line shall be as specified in the CCITT
V.15 standard.
a) Every system shall produce and interpret characters according to the
following protocol:
1 start bit
8 data bits
1 stop bit
NO parity
b) The most significant bit in each character shall be zero.
c) Transmission and reception rates shall both be 300 baud.
All characters, which a TDD systems can decode or produce, shall be encoded
according to table 2 (encoding character set according to Hebrew and Latin
alphabets - the bilingual encoding) in Israeli Standard No. 960. In
particular, the codes of the Hebrew letters shall be between 60(Hex) and
System which supports reduced baud rate/s - shall:
a) Be capable of working at 110 baud.
b) Be capable of working according to the following protocol:
1 start bit
8 data bits
2 stop bits (instead of 1 stop bit)
NO parity
System which supports high baud rate/s - shall:
a) Be capable of working at 1200 baud.
b) Be capable of automatic recognition of the baud rate of incoming calls
and adjust itself to work at that baud rate.
The modem compatibility will be stated in the final Israeli TDD
Telecommunication Standard.
A system which implements a deleting character, which deletes the last
character transmitted and not already deleted, shall use the character
RUBOUT (code 7F(Hex)) for this purpose.
In addition, the BACKSPACE character (code 08(Hex)), if implemented,
shall have such an effect that it may be used for correcting typing
mistakes on the displays of both the transmitting and the receiving
A system, which recognizes holding and releasing characters (X-Line
Handshake), shall use CTRL-S (code 13(Hex)) and CTRL-Q (code 11(Hex))
respectively for this purpose.
A system, which supports remote control of direction of writing, shall
use the following control characters:
a) CTRL-R (DC2, code 12(Hex)) - shall cause writing to go from right to
left as in Hebrew.
b) CTRL-T (DC4, code 14(Hex)) - shall cause writing to go from left to
right as in English.
A system, which uses a multi-line display (so there is a meaning for
the "new line" operation), shall use a sequence of characters which
contains only the single character CARRIAGE RETURN (code 0D(Hex)) to
signal or recognize the beginning of a new line.
In other words, the system shall advance to the next line in the display
even if it doesn't receive any LINE FEED control character from the
system on the second side of the phone line. In addition, a system,
which desires to signal the beginning of a new line, shall not have to
transmit the LINE FEED control character to guarantee correct display on
the receiving side of the phone line.
The following table gives the encodings of the Hebrew letters according
to Israeli Standard No. 960.
--------- ------ + --------- ------ + --------- ------ + --------- ------
60 aleph
61 bet
62 gimel
63 dalet
64 heh
65 vav
66 zayin
67 khet
From: Omer Zak <>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 1994 21:02:25 +200 (WET)
To: Nathan Prugh <>
Subject: Update of the TDD situation in Israel
> As well the TDD prosal please, if u have any update on tdd issue in your
> contry, please send to me... have they approve and now provide them there???
> and how they look like and how it is provided? :-)
The basic problem with TDDs in Israel is that the market is too small to
make a project of developing Hebrew-language TDDs specifically for this
project - not economically feasible. So we based our TDDs on home
computers. I developed programs which sit on games cartridges for the VIC
20 and Commodore 64 home computers. However the idea of TDDs did not
catch on. The peak was when about 40 TDDs were used. Later, FAX machines
became popular and TDD usage dropped.
Now there are estimated 250 FAX machines used (in a total population of
about 5000 deaf persons), and the number is rising as people save money
to buy FAX machines. The Association of the Deaf is now actively lobbying
for reducing the purchase tax levied on FAX machines sold in Israel (the
purchase tax was 42% of the price, and was recently reduced to 30%; to
this you have to add 17% VAT).
File 10:
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 94 15:43:39 EST
Subject: Common Senses
"Failures don't plan to fail. Most of them just fail to plan."
"We Deafies blame bad luck on others but take credit for good luck
Happy Keying,
File 11:
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 94 00:45:04 EST
Subject: Cover Ad
Handpainted First Day Covers. Produced by Frans and Linda Geerlings
3767 Cavalier Dr. S. Salem, OR 97302-6009 Tel/Fax 503-581-5284
A First Day Cover is a envelope on which a stamp is affixed. They are
cancelled by the Post Office on the First Day the stamps were issued. We
design, draw, and paint on the left hand side, a painting related to the
All of our envelopes are high quality 50% cotton bond, without gum on the
back flap, These First Day Covers are being collected in albums as well as in
frames as fine art. There are several auction houses specializing in First
Day Covers. Call or write us for a list.
Someone posed this question on the Internet. "Are stamps a good investment,
or plate blocks"?
All I have to say is, that many of our subscribers buy our Handpainted First
Day Covers covers not only for their kid's investment but also for the
beauty of the artwork. Some of our covers have been sold on auctions for
$500- $600.00 each.
Scott#, is the Scott catalog numbering system that is used to identify the
stamp issue, underneath the Scott# we list the quantity that we produced for
that issue. Next we list the description and status, (Sold Out, or still
available). Next we list the Geerlings number each cover gets that we
produce, underneath the Geerlings # we list the varieties that are reported,
or that we know off.
If you are interested in receiving our list of Handpainted First Day Covers,
Please write us ,Call us, or leave us E-Mail, with your mailing address.
There is a National Organization which is affiliated with the APS called
American First Day Cover Society. (AFDCS) for short. They have approximately
5000 members. They issue a bi-monthly magazine called "First Days" Great
Subscriptions to The AFDCS including their magazine are Regular $ 15.00
Junior $ 10.00
Family add $ 2.00
Life member $400.00
The Address is AFDCS Central Office, P.O.Box 65960, Tucson, AZ. 85728
We just produced a First Day Cover, Handpainted for the latest US stamp on
Deaf Communication. This first day cover is available from:
Frans Geerlings
3767 Cavalier Dr. S.
Salem, Or 97302
Price: $16.00 each
Check or Money Orders only.
Send Name, Address, Phone # and E-mail address and note requesting
Deaf Communication stamps and money to above address :-)
File 13:
From: Deaf-Admin@Clark.Net
Date: Feb 7th 1994
Subject: New Advertisements Policy
Many People want to place advertisements in the Magazine...
I thought of it... I decided that I would have to charge
People placing ads. It will be $2.00 USA Dollars only
Per line (60 chars per line) of text Per Issue Cheap!
Personal Ads are $1.00 per line (60 chars per Issue)
Min. 4 lines and 2 Issues Required. Those funds will help to keep this
magazine free and for my time on this Magazine :-)
and fees involved in this process of this Magazine.
mail ads to Nathan Prugh 2928 E. Osborn #155 Phoenix Az 85016
Personal or Business Checks and Money Orders And Cash Accepted
Write checks or money orders to Nathan Prugh
for example:
you have 4 lines of text and you want to place it for 4 issues,
so your total is:
4 lines of text 4 times $2.00 Total 8.00
Ad run for 4 Issues: X4
Total 16.00
Once I receive any ads, it will be in next Issue. Upon Expiration,
We will mail you Internet Or Fido Net Message reminding you of
Expiration. To renew just send copy of the ad I placed or which Issue
it was placed with the fee...
Please be sure to Include in letter, your Full Name, Fidonet or
Internet Address, Snail Mail Address, Phone number!
Nathan Prugh
[end of deaf magazine]